Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is your experience with the depo shot? is it a good form of birth control?

I have had it since last year. It's like foolproof, so it's an excellent form of birth control. The thing I love the MOST about it is that it stops your period, did you know? SWEET.

However, it made my face break out and become as oily as saudi arabia. It's like all the male hormone side effects. It's also known to kill your sex drive (TRUE). And its kind of a pain to have to go back to the obgyn every three months. But no birth control is perfect so you take the good with the bad, you know? Would I recommend it? yeahWhat is your experience with the depo shot? is it a good form of birth control?
I gained about 40 pounds in the year that I was on it! I've been off since Feb. and am just losing the weight now! I play hockey once a week, walk my dogs about an hour every night and cycle 40 km every other day. I don't eat junk food. The only thing different was the depo shot.

It apparently also decreases your bone density so you have to take calcium supplements.What is your experience with the depo shot? is it a good form of birth control?
My experience with the depo shot was terrible. I personally feel it is an unnatural way to be temporarily ';infertile'; because its purpose is to disrupt your body and STOP the natural process of maturing and passing eggs. My side effects were not good either. I have normally nice skin, very rarely breaking out; except when I was on depo. And my sex drive dropped dramatically! If you are wanting something that is a little less worry free, talk to your gyn about the bc patch, or stick w/condoms...
This is an excellent birth control method. You don't have to remember to take a pill EVERY DAY AT THE SAME TIME!

I didn't gain extra weight.
Yes it is a good birth control but the side effects is not worth it. I got ONE shot with my oldest daughter after she was born, went back on the pill because I gained weight from the Depo shot, took us forever to get pregnant with our second daughter because the Depo stays in your system for a long time. It is nice not to have a period while on the Depo but the weight gain and not being able to conceive is not worth the trouble. The pill has always worked for me.
I would stay away from it. I know several people who have been on it and gotten pregnant. THE ULTIMATE WEIGHT GAIN! Or they had irregular periods and gained alot of weight. Personally, I used the patch and that thing was great. There was no reaching up in my crotch once a week to pull a ring out, and no taking a pill every day at the same time. Both of which I have friends that have gotten pregnant anyways. I just put a patch on in one of four areas and forgot about it for a week. I couldn't even tell it was there. The only side effect I had from it was that I became a little emotional (I would cry) but I was also in a tough situation at the time and probably would've cried anyways. They stay on through water and when you want to take it off it doesn't hurt, so that was my birth control of choice.
I have had several friends that did this and my advice is STAY AWAY. Not only did they have a major weight gain (20lbs or more) but their periods would last a month. They were so moody, one extreme or the other. I have never met anyone who took the shot that was happy. My suggestion would be to ask your doctor about the NuevoRing. It stays inside for 3 weeks, if you want to have a period you leave it out for a week, if you don't then you just put another in. They are GREAT!
I used to use Depo a few years ago. It was nice, I didn't get a period the ENTIRE time I was on it which was a year and a half. But my sister was on it also and she developed hypothyroidism. Don't know for sure if it's from the Depo or not but think about it, you've got a 3 month supply of hormones sitting in your body it's bound to mess up your glands. I wouldn't go back on it.
my best friend got pregnant while on the shot and didnt know untill she was about 4 months because it causes you not to have a period
I didn't have a great experience with the depo shot. The first one was fine...the second one was a problem. I took a muscle relaxant, and it reacted with the hormones from the shot, and I had an allergic reaction, and there was nothing they could do to stop it. I had to wait for the sot to end. I then tried to get pregnant about 6 months later..only to find that the shot had stopped my body from ovulaTING. I had to take clomid to start ovulating again...and did finally get pregnant
My doctor wouldn't let me take it .. because #1 It makes you gain weight and #2 if you have any side effects from it its in your system way to long and you cant get rid of it, you just gotta deal with it!!! I use the pill!
the depo shot makes a lot of women gain weight..

I porked up big time, before it was time for my 2nd shot I said ';mm yeah thanks, I'll stick to condoms!';
the depo shot is horrible!! it made my friend have her period for a month, she got horrible leg cramps in the middle of the night, and she gained weight! the doctor said that all of that was from the shot! i would not recommend using that particular birth control..i take the pill and i have never had any problems or symptoms from it.
Long periods, still get pregnant and if you do get pregnant you wont know because you will still have a period and 4 out of 10 will have a miscarriage.

Stick with condoms
I say no. It curbed my period for a long time and it took a long time to get it regulated. I also ';porked up';
There are good things and bad things about depo provera. I was on it for 3 years. My periods all but stopped. Which is a good thing. I gained 30 pounds. That's a bad thing. Not everyone will have the same side effects. You have to be regular about getting your shots. You must go every three months to the doctor. When I went off depo, I lost the 30 pounds in about 2 months. You could try it and if you have undesirable side effects you can stop it. It was convenient not having to worry about birth control every day but the weight gain was not worth it.
i like the depo shot. i have not gained any weight i have actually lost weight.... all forms of birth control have side effects.. everyone is affected differently. i like it because u dont have to remeber a pill every day and it only takes like 5 minutes to get it.
it really worked for me, however, you do gain weight while on it. I honestly can say since starting it i gained 20 lbs. oyu can control it with diet and excersise but that is one set back to using it. If you're trying to concieve right after your Depo cycle is through, don't use it. It could take up to a year or so before you can get pregnant.
I got it after I had my baby it works but the side affect is different for everyboby. my result was that I had my period for three weeks each month thats why i stopped
i had a bad experience with depo. when i got on it i bled for the first 3 months i was on it. and when you get that shot your not supposed to bleed at all no period or nothing. i gained alot of weight. so i never went back for the secont shot. But i have a friend who took and didn't bleed or anything for the 4 years that she was on it. she also got pregnant on the shot and didn't know it. I guess it depends on the person. But i wouldn't use it again.

Hope this helps.

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