Saturday, August 21, 2010

There is a new form of permanent birth control for women that I heard on the radio.?

I was listening to the radio at work and heard an advertisement for Essure. It's a relatively new form of permanent birth control for women. I'm doing the research and have a consultation appointment to find out more. I'm wondering if anyone else has heard of this or has had it done or knows anyone that has had it done. I'ld like to consider this as an option. I'm 36, single mother of 4. my oldest is 16 and my youngest is 8. I seriously don't think i need or want any more children. My doctor wouldn't do the tubal surgery at the time my youngest was born due to complications. So I think this is a good alternative since it is not surgical. So any feed back would be wonderful. And if there are horror stories I need them too. You cannot be to informed. Thanks.There is a new form of permanent birth control for women that I heard on the radio.?
Yes i have heard of it and the doctor i went to while i was pregnant performs the procedure but i have yet to make an appointment because i am not for sure sure if i don't want anymore kids or not.

The Essure procedure is the first and only FDA approved female sterilization procedure to have zero pregnancies in the clinical trials. The Essure procedure is permanent and is NOT reversible. Therefore, you should be sure you do not want children in the future.

The Essure procedure is different than the traditional method of a surgical tubal ligation. With Essure there is no cutting into the body. Instead, an Essure trained doctor inserts spring-like coils, called micro-inserts, through the body’s natural pathways (vagina, cervix, and uterus) and into your fallopian tubes.

The procedure can be performed in your doctor’s office without general anesthesia .

During the first 3 months following the procedure, your body and the micro-inserts work together to form a tissue barrier that prevents sperm from reaching the egg. During this period, you will need to use another form of birth control.

After 3 months, your doctor will perform an Essure Confirmation Test, a special type of x-ray to confirm that your tubes are completely blocked and you can rely on the Essure micro-inserts for birth control.

Unlike birth control pills, patches, rings, and some forms of IUDs, Essure does not contain hormones to interfere with your natural menstrual cycle. Your periods should more or less continue in their natural state.There is a new form of permanent birth control for women that I heard on the radio.?
I am sorry I have not heard of this but it sounds like an IUD would be great for you. It is well tested and lasts for up to 10 years. It is a very quick nonsurgical procedure that is not painful at all.

Here is a link for Essure though:…
I've heard quite a bit about it, and Vaginapagina has had a number of people posting about it. It's not for me (not interested in permanent birth control right now) but might be good for you, especially if you're not interested in an IUD. There are some personal stories at the link I provided.
A friend of mine had it done. She didn't have any complications, but I believe that she had to use a condom for couple months until the tissue around the implants had sealed her tubes.

It is basically a cheaper, less dangerous and less invasive tubal, but it is a little bit less reliable, so you absolutely need to go for a check up couple months after you have it put, to make sure everything went ok.'s called not having sex. Or, just doing oral/anal sex...enjoy!!
The most effective birth control only costs 10 cents.

You take a dime and hold it between your knees.

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