Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is there any form of birth control that does not make you gain weight?

i been on the pill for a while and gained bout 25 pounds is there any form of birth control that would not cause me to gain weight help plzIs there any form of birth control that does not make you gain weight?
First of all, the birth control does not make you actually physically gain that weight. It increases hunger, and makes it hard to control your appetite. It should also only last for no more than three months, and should result in no more than a five pound gain.

If you're gaining that much, then you're not controlling your diet well.

There are no birth control methods where weight gain is not a possibility. Lucky for you, there are so many different combinations of hormones in different pills. So you can request a different dose from your doctor.Is there any form of birth control that does not make you gain weight?
I'm on Yasmin and I haven't gained any weight. It might depend on the person and how it reacts to your body though... good luck!

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