Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do you think a lot of religions or religious teachings is a form of mind control?

No. But there are some - called cults that do.Do you think a lot of religions or religious teachings is a form of mind control?
lol Yes ,see World of warcraft PRIEST able to use mind control and throw people off cliffs .bliz is hinting something by giving the clothies MC ,its channeledDo you think a lot of religions or religious teachings is a form of mind control?
I'd say more a matter of behavior control than mind control. The purpose of religion was originally a way to form a cohesive, law abiding society that would work towards a common goal - that is, sustaining the community and its members. This is a good thing.

However, once individuals with goals of power and control take charge, it is easy to subvert a group to follow them. Then add in a mix of different religions/cultures and things get totally out of control.
Mind control would be the control of thoughts, speech, and actions. You have probably noticed that by the Christians own words on YA their God allows his followers only freedom of will. As the Jews, Poles, Russians, and Romany found out between 1939 and 1945 freedom of will can accomplish nothing without freedom of thoughts, speech, and actions.
In most cases yes,i think that the bible was written as an experiment by an atheist to see how people would react and other people have followed on from that.Just think how much power hitler had... and he didnt really even create a religion as such

Absolutely. And it's not only cults. In my opinion, any religion that insists that its way is the only way is practicing mind control. Only if people are allowed to question and form their own religious opinions are we free to worship the Divine as we see fit.

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