Friday, August 6, 2010

Moms: What form of birth control are you on?

I am on Alesse 28 and I am gaining weight and feeling very bloated. I have been on it for 3-4 months now and I hate it soo much! I honestly feel pregnant. I need a birth control pill or not, that does not cause weight gain. What birth control are you on? For how long? and do you recommend it?Moms: What form of birth control are you on?
I have Implanon. I love it, personally. It lasts for 3 years. Granted, I am breastfeeding, but I am not showing any signs of weight gain. Depo Provera (also progesterone-only like Implanon) on the other hand caused me to gain like 10lb and I NEVER gain weight so easily.鈥?/a>

It is very safe, over 99% effective, and once removed you can TTC as if you never were on birth control. I prefer the Implanon over the IUDs that are inserted vaginally. Implanon is in your arm and I feel a lot more comfortable with it. Pills would never work for me. I'm too scatter-brained to remember that. I have a hard enough time trying to remember my thyroid medicine every day.

**I have had it since October 2008Moms: What form of birth control are you on?
After I had my son I started taking Ortho-Tricyclen Lo, but had to stop after about 2 months. It caused me to have horrible headaches and nausea. Right now my hubby and I use condoms, until I can get back to the doctor and get put on another form of birth control.

Before I got pregnant we only used condoms and that worked for 3 years. I guess we just got lucky that one didn't have a hole in it or something. I wouldn't recommend using only a condom as I stated before we just got lucky.
I used Depo for a year, starting when Sophie was 3 months. I do NOT recommend it!! I was starving 24/7, even waking up in the middle of the night aching with hunger! It was bizarre. I gained about 25 lbs that year. :(

I quit Depo last January and felt better shortly after. It took until August to get a period back, which was really lame. I currently use FAM (Fertility Awareness Method), and I love it!! It's drug free; you take your temperature each morning before getting out of bed, and monitor your cervical fluid among other signs of fertility. It can be used to GET pregnant or AVOID pregnancy. I am a convert! :)
I was taking Ortho-Tricyclen Lo (took it since I was 15, and got back on it after I had my daughter) and I loved it! Never gained a pound from it. But I started having bad ovulation pains, so my doc put me on the regular strength Ortho, and I gained literally 5 pounds the first month! So I stopped taking it. Now I'm just abstaining, because I'm single anyway lol I'm going to start taking it again though, just so I can be sure I don't have my period while I'm on vacation lol Then I will be off it again!
I got an IUD by Merina 6 weeks after my son was born. No pills, no changing anything, no weight gain. It stays for 5 years! Best birth control I have been on. There is no worry, no everyday or week thinking about it. When my son turns 5 I need to go to the doctor and take it out, or when we are ready for another!
I'm currently on ortho tri-cyclen lo... It's been great so far...

I tried to have mirena put in but after two failed attempts and much pain... My dr decided to do an ultrasound and found I now have a retroverted uterus :(

I wish I didn't have to take a pill every day... I tend to be forgetful however, my THREE alarms help me to remember
I started the Nuva ring after my daughter was born and i love it. N oweight gain or symptoms. I recmmend it. You dont have to worry about remembering everyday you just leave it in for 3 weeks and take it out for a week. You dont even feel it at all
I am taking Juliet 35 Ed The pill and i have gained a little water weight about a kilo but i have lost that now....

I have been on it for 3 months.... Yes i recommend it !!
I agree with hotmomma
i'm on yaz, i do recommend it. no problems at all.
I am on the Mirena and I am pretty sure that I love it :)
I'm on the Nuva Ring and love it. We sometimes use condoms as well as 3 kids are plenty for us. LMAO.
We use the dump truck method...............

Back up and unload.

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