I am doing a report on this. I do not feel you should be able to have a abortion every time you forget to use protection. Now if you get raped then I understand, go get the abortion. I am just strongly agenst using it as a form of birth control. I can use your opinons.Should abortions be illegal as a form of birth control.?
I look at it this way:
Her Body Her Choice
In my opinion, I think that a human life is created at the moment of conception. I will not argue that point. I am however, pro-choice. The way I look at it is lets say that a person with a rare blood disorder also has a very rare blood type, and they need to be hooked up to someone for 9 months. After 9 months they will be cured forever. The only person with a compatible blood type in the world is you. So in the middle of the night the sick persons family comes and kidnaps you. I don't think that it is your responsibility to save this person by giving your body to them. I think it is WONDERFUL if you do, but you should not be made to, or looked down upon if you choose not to.
Oh, and the silent scream is a crock, check this out:
http://www.plannedparenthood.org/issues-鈥?/a>Should abortions be illegal as a form of birth control.?
Abortion is not and never was intended as a form of birth control. Birth control prevents pregnancies from occurring. Abortion or termination as it is also known is a way of ending a pregnancy. Although abortion is generally associated with unwanted pregnancies, they are also performed for medical reasons. Abortion for whatever reason is not taken lightly by the medical profession, as every effort is made to ensure that it is the right decision. A woman has to convince 3 doctors of this, but it can be difficult to cope with the psychological effects after the procedure has been performed, and many seek counseling for this reason. While individual opinion will differ on the pros and cons of abortion, it is something that is available and will always be a taboo subject.
If you get raped and get pregnant from the rape, isn't an abortion essentially the same thing? Also, there are women who want to get pregnant who later find that it is very dangerous for them to carry a baby to term (i.e, good chance of them dying). Deciding that abortion is illegal would mean that this woman wouldn't have the right to choose to live. Along with that, you have the cases of people who do everything they can to protect themselves, but protection fails.
I don't believe that abortions should be illegal, because it would result in situations like we saw in the past where women would go and get ';back alley'; abortions, which resulted in serious infections and sometimes death. Just because something is illegal doesn't mean that people won't do it. I do, however, believe that there should be some sort of counseling provided to prevent a woman from having a second abortion. I know a girl who had 4 abortions, because she was too lazy to use protection. I think that this is disgusting, and wish that there was a better system in place to assure that this sort of thing doesn't happen.
An abortion is not birth control.
An abortion should only be used as a last resort. If someone was as silly to think they might be pregnant, than that's what the morning after pill is for. Not to leave it for ages for a human to develop, and then take away their life.
It might be worth reporting on the fact the baby has no feeling til about 26 weeks I think. I did a report like this a very long time ago, and can't remember it fully.
I do still think abortions should be legal however. As you've mentioned, some women do get raped and it should not be their punishment to be constantly reminded, by conceiving a child that they probably don't want.
I think abortions should absolutely be illegal as a form of birth control. I think once a girl has an abortion she should be strongly advised to get on regular birth control because abortion is a big deal. I completely believe in pro choice until a girl who doesn't want to take birth control suddenly starts getting multiple abortions just because she ';doesn't feel like using birth control.'; If someone is going to have sex and doesn't want a child they need to suck it up and get on birth control!!!
I am pro-choice. I will not get into details...
However, a woman does not get pregnant every time she has unprotected sex. If a woman has to get an abortion (and even as a person of pro-choice I do believe abortion should always be a last resort. I would never be able to get one myself.) I believe she has the right, but I think there should be a law that states a woman can only have one abortion for a number of years.
For example: Sally gets pregnant in 2005 and has an abortion. Then she gets pregnant in 2009 and has an abortion...I think this should be illegal. I feel woman should not use abortion as a ';way out'; or as a form of birth control. I do not believe woman should always resort to abortion especially more than once. There should be a law mandating that women can only have one abortion every 10 years or even once a lifetime.
This is my opinion and I hope you and everyone else are open-minded enough to see my point-of-view.
Good luck on your report!!!
How often do people really use abortions as birth control. I've never heard of anyone doing it.
Why would anyone do this, The condom, Birth Control pill, Morning After pills, coils, etc. Surely with all the other cheaper and easier alternatives having an expensive and painful abortion would came very low on the list.
People can't just walking into an abortion clinic and ask for an abortion. They have to be checked by a physician, to make sure they are in fit state of mind and body.
Each abortion has high levels of risk including the possibility of death, although is still safer than having the child.
No abortion should not even be considered a form of birth control. However, my opinion is that abortion should remain legal and a personal choice/option that is available to all women. The right to choose to remain such ';a right';. However, not a form of birth control, I seriously doubt that anyone considers abortion a form of birth control. When abortion is illegal it simply means women will then resume the practice of obtaining illegal abortions which create a very dangerous situation. If birth control were made illegal and not a option the rise in abortions would certainly increase dramatically. Simply keep this one thing in mind, we all answer in the end and we stand alone. We not only answer for our own personal actions but as well our judgments against others which is as sinful as abortion. God does not place value on sin, those within society do this.
Abortion should be legal.
The government should have no say in what i do with MY unborn child. does this mean that i , personally would get an abortion ? no, probably not. But for some women, its a way out of a really tight situation for them.
If they made abortion Illegal, women would abort their babies anyway,at home, using dangerous methods -that would kill the baby and even possibly the mother. Women will abort an unwanted baby weather its allowed by law or not. the best this government and nation can do - is supply them with a safe,sterile way to do so.
You know I suppose before I got pregnant I would of said the same thing. My experience was horrible and I always regretted I had to get an abortion. With no where to live what kind of mother would I have been? I was young, stupid and always used protection. Do I encourage other women- no. I don't know anyone who uses abortion as a form of birth control. I would say the amount of women who do that is very small but the crazy pro-lifers use it as their prime example.
As George Carlin said '; Why is it people against abortion are women who you wouldn't wanna F**k anyway.';
Your question is biased before you even get opinions. I hope your more open minded before you write the essay.
Do you mean illegal period other than rape cases? Its morally wrong to get multiple abortions, but it shouldnt be illegal.
it sounds like theres a bunch of kids on here (doin reports) who don't understand the effect that hundreds of thousands of babies with moms with no dads and no incomes, could have on our country and on the economy. Most of these kids on here dont have a pay check and understand how ';income tax'; works, and how you only get about 75% of the money you make because the rest of it goes to welfare, and to support the families who dont have money to support their kids, and if abortion was illegal then you'd probably only get 60%, which is almost nothing when your working at McDonalds and Wendys.
Oh and people like me that are in another tax bracket are already paying 40% because the gov't thinks that if we make more we should give it all away.
SO yeah in teenage language ';it would like suck, if the whole country was allowed to keep having kids so others could like pay for them and stuff';
Abortions are ok in certain situations, but they should not be used as a form of birth control, its a rediculous idea, hey im pregnant again time for the abortion. just use a condom and bc pills and your good, but if worse comes to worse and you cannot support a baby and you dont want one then its alright.
i don't think abortions should be allowed period. I mean what if you were aborted-- you would never be here. If you get raped that's sorta different but still and all the other people made bad choices- it was their fault and they need to deal with it instead of throwing it away like its nothing
i believe that abortion is wrong always. i agree that if you get pregnant from rape you should have another option, but i don't believe in murder to any degree.
i think it should be illegal enless you were raped!! its not like you wanted to have sex in the first place why should you have to suffer the conequences?
i agree with you. abortions arent birth control theyre a solution to a problem. not a good solution in my opinion but thats what people use them for.
why would anyone use them as birth Control, condoms are a whole lot cheaper and much less painful. apparently there are idiots that just can't make that connection. nope I don't think that they should be used as birth control.
I beleive it's the woman's choice. Period.
they should be illegal period.
i agree with ';have a dog buiscut'; lol. funny name.
I feel that abortion is a massive affront to human rights. It is NOT a women's rights issue. The child is a being unto itself, does not belong to its mother, and therefore, is not hers to kill and throw away. You OWN your dog and it's illegal for you to snap its neck and throw it out with the garbage, but it's legal to do that to a human infant? Wtf?
At 10 weeks a human fetus has its own unique genetic fingerprint, its own heartbeat, can move of its own volition, and will recoil from painful stimulus. It's very obviously a person. A really, really small person, but a person nonetheless. It's criminal that such a fetus can be deprived of its status as human, killed and discarded because it is unwanted.
How long is it until other elements of our society become so inconvenient that they, too, will be stripped of human status and done away with? If human lives, the lives of the most helpless among us even, are no longer sacred, then what is? Abortion is an unspeakable horror that is only a symptom of a greater sickness in our society.
And as far as rape goes, yes, it is tragic when that happens. But that is not the baby's fault. Killing the resulting infant does not undo what happened, it only adds to the tragedy. Adoption is a good and realistic option for women in that situation, or for any woman who has a crisis pregnancy. Support and care are available. The overwhelming majority of abortions are a result of carelessness rather than rape or incest. I only accept abortion as the answer when failure to terminate a pregnancy will likely result in the death of the mother.
I am not a fundamentalist Christian or a Republican. I'm often lumped in with one of those categories when this subject comes up. My opinion does not come from any religious or political persuasion. I just call it like I see it. Killing babies is wrong.
EDIT: Whoever said a fetus can't feel anything until 26 weeks is very wrong. An infant over 24 weeks gestational age has all five senses and can survive outside the womb. That's why it's called ';preterm labor'; instead of ';miscarriage'; if you have the baby after 24 weeks. A fetus will react to stimulus (being poked) as early as 10 weeks.
This is a subject that I can argue about all day with people! haha. I do not agree with abortion in any circumstance whether it's rape, accident, mental retardation...etc. If someone is raped, there are plently of people out there wanting to adopt because they can't have a child. If it's an accident, then keep you're legs shut and you won't have to worry about it. If the child is said that it's going to be mentally retarded, that's stupid to kill a baby over that. Doctors are not always right and how would you feel if you aborted that baby and there wouldn't have been anything at all wrong with it? Even mentally retarded kids deserve love too.
Abortion itself is the form of killing an innocent human being that has done nothing wrong. In my opinion. Both forms of abortion (surgery and pill) are detestable and should be frowned upon.
Why kill something that has a right to life? It's just plain mean.
i think its sick to get an abortion everytime you forget to use protection. one abortion is bad enough! i also agree with you about the rape, that you should be able to get an abortion.
Emma (:
you should never get an abortion that baby that is inside of you has a heart beat! it is a growing thing! you are murdering a living baby! abortions should definitely illegal!
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